Education is the greatest asset an individual will ever gain throughout their life. Whilst great importance is given to studying even more importance is given to those who set out to educate and shape the leaders of tomorrow.
The bachelor of education degree is a carefully constructed course that encompasses the fundamentals of the level of study. An undergraduate course in education accommodates a four year duration of which 120 credits must be obtained to succeed.
The course is offered through an English medium and the members of faculty strive to ensure an in depth understanding is carried out in the classroom.
Individuals who wish to study towards a BEd should have the qualities of a leader, good people skills, patience and determination. The course covers topics that range from classroom subjects varying according to the level of study as well as professional ethics and code of conduct expected.
The degree serves as a gateway for driven individuals who enjoy the comfort of “me time” as those qualified in the field are overwhelmed with gracious working hours.