Scholarship program is normally a way to minimize the school fee making it cheaper and affordable. The education sector has a lot of study programs including science program, arts program, business program, Engineering program, agricultural program, mining and many more subjects. All these subjects are different and they have their levels in terms of the fee. Example the amount of tuition fee paid for arts program is different with the one for mining subject programs so is science programs, engineering subject programs and many more. The scholarship however varies in each subject program, the scholarship is also kept depending on the school education levels, because there are schools that cost much in terms of tuition fee and there are those that cost less in terms of tuition fee, hence te variation of scholarship program.
Universities all over the world have scholarship program, and each country has its levels depending on the quality of education they offer. China however is among the countries with the most scholarship program, the system of scholarship works the same depending on the course taken by students. And there are several ways of which the scholarship is offered to students, it can be by application form. This requires the student to apply for scholarship by feeling the forms an submitting it to the university office of which he or she studies, and from there the office will process the application and give the result in no time.
Sometimes the scholarship is offered to competent students in class. This is the most known and common way of which the scholarship are offered in schools and universities all over the world. At the end of each semester or end of the academic year the universities asses the results and progression of each student, during this time only the students who were found to do good (at the top of the class with top grades), and the students who are competent in class by always arriving on time and doing all the given assignments.
The scholarship program is beneficial to students in many ways. It gives student room to spend their money in other basic needs and a chance to save money for the future. Also it is a challenge for the rest of the students who were not selected for a scholarship program to work hard so that they be selected in the next academic year. Therefore it is easy to get scholarship and the only thing required for students is competence or apply for a scholarship program, but rest of the procedures are easy. Note one has to be strictly a student of that particular university to get a scholarship from the same university.