Study philosophy

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Study philosophy

What is philosophy ? 

There is no proper definition of philosophy till date. Some understand it as the study of general and fundamental problems as well as the nature of existence and man’s relationship with existence

Philosophers are devoted to wisdom and widespread systems of ideas that offer philosophical guidance are religions. Most religions are in their origins pre-rational rather than anti-rational, a story-tellers account of philosophic issues rather than a scientists

The topics that philosophy addresses fall into several distinct fields. Among those of fundamental concern are:

•Metaphysics (the theory of reality).

•Epistemology (the theory of knowledge)

•Ethics (the theory of moral values)

•Politics (the theory of legal rights and government)

•Aesthetics (the theory of the nature of art)

The basis of philosophy education is critical thinking and inductive reasoning. Additionally, philosophy demonstrates that problems often have multiple solutions, and teaches its students to approach problems from a number of different perspectives.

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