Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro visits campus for consolidating the collaboration
The Rector of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Carlos Levi visits the campus on 13th October to discuss about consolidate the collaboration between two institutions in joint degree programme and establishing joint deep sea institute.
New partnership in Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan
Invited byJSC Kazakh National Technical University, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University and International Oil and Gas University,a senior administration team led by President professor Zhang Laibin has visited those three institutions from 19th to 24th July. This visiting has achieved a great success beause of the supports of Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Turkmenistan, CNPCI (Turkmenistan),CNPCI (Kazakhstan), Petro Kazakhstan (PK), etc.
UAE Petroleum Insitute visits CUPB on Postgraduate Programme
New appointed President of Petroleum Institute Thomas Hochstettler and head of International office Ebrahim Saeed Abdulia Ali HajrI visitis CUPB on 19th October to discuss about the postgraduate programme between the two HEIs.