Shijiazhuang Tiedao University Accommodation



ADouble rooms with bathroom, restroom and common kitchen, laundry on each level. The room is furnished with two single beds, study desks, bookshelves, air-conditoner, internet connection.




Girls Dormitory
BDouble rooms with common kitchen, laundry, bathroom and restroom on each level. The room is furnished with two single beds, study desks, bookshelves, air-conditoner and internet connection.




Boys Dormitory
CTriple rooms with common kitchen, laundry, bathroom and restroom on each level. The room is furnished with three single beds, study desks, bookshelves, air-conditoner and internet connection.



Boys Dormitory
DSingle rooms with common kitchen, laundry, bathroom and restroom on each apartment. The room is furnished with three single beds, study desks, bookshelves, air-conditoner and internet connection.



Building#35 Small Apartment

Boys Dormitory
EDouble rooms with common kitchen, laundry, bathroom and restroom on each apartment. The room is furnished with three single beds, study desks, bookshelves, air-conditoner and internet connection.



Boys Dormitory
FSingle rooms with common kitchen, laundry, bathroom and restroom on each apartment. The room is furnished with three single beds, study desks, bookshelves, air-conditoner and internet connection.



Building#35 Big Apartment
Boys Dormitory
GDouble rooms with common kitchen, laundry, bathroom and restroom on each apartment. The room is furnished with three single beds, study desks, bookshelves, air-conditoner and internet connection.



Boys Dormitory
HTriple rooms with common kitchen, laundry, bathroom and restroom on each apartment. The room is furnished with three single beds, study desks, bookshelves, air-conditoner and internet connection.



Boys Dormitory
IDouble rooms with common kitchen, laundry, bathroom and restroom on each level. The room is furnished with three single beds, study desks, bookshelves, air-conditoner and internet connection.



Boys Dormitory

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