JCUT Owned accommodation
The Internet students hostel located on campus is available for those interested in JCUT owned accommodation.
This form of accommodation ranges from two students in a room to four students in a room. Both types have shared bathrooms and commom areas such as lounge and living area.
All rooms are fully furnished and up to international atandards containing pillows,clean mattresses,bed spread,study desk for each student,central heater,24/7 supply of cold and hot water and medically approved lights for both studies and relaxation.
JCUT attaches a high level of security of its students;there are effective measures in place to ensure the safety of every student.
Cost:Rent prices are different for each resident depending on if you choose two or four students in a room type of accommodation. The cost of two students in a room type of accommodation is about 3600RMB/year and the cost of four students in a room is about 4800RMB/year. Note that these prices are subjected to change if there is also a change in the exchange rates.
Independent Accommodation
Some international students prefer to live in accommodation owned by private landlords that are lose to JCUT. There are real estate agencies and other agencies that can help students find accommodation easily. Accommodations are also advertised on popular Chinese websites.
Cost:when you look at indenpent accommodation you will need to take into account a lot of expenses. You will need to budget for your house hold items and this depends on you if you choose furnished accommodation or unfurnished accommodation. There are other expenses such as gas, electricity, telephone, internet, management and security fee. Most students to share the cost. Note that the prices of independent accommodation vary from one landlord to another.