Despite of everything, University is a social institution where by most of us sees its productivity by producing leaders to be used to developing our communities and country at large since it works for social equity and development it is easier to say that universities plays a big role in socio-economic status and social mobility and this is why governments particularly that of China watched over importance they get through education and decides to enter collaboration with other stake holders to ensure promotion of quality education.
China`s living cost and study needed for any student despite of domestic or international status is affordable depending on which city you are living, for example most of the popular cities are expensive in terms of food and accommodation whereby the money spent to these cities ranges from 600 USD to 850 USD per month and with exclusion in extra costs like books and materials produced by lecturers, though living cost can be hard in poplar cities but the difference is that sometimes you have to live with a roommate to reduce the costs or live in other affordable cities with 550 USD per month.
Therefore studying in china is very simple with affordable costs if you have no full scholarship, choose a city which meets your demands and stop comparing with others in terms of life.