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E-mail : apply@acasc.cn
Applying through ACASC generally takes a few minutes to complete. It takes 5 steps to complete the application.
1. Click “Apply Now” button at the top of the page.
2. Fill in online application form.
3. Upload required documents.
4. Pay the application fee and the ACASC service fee
5. Click “Submit” button.
Important notice: In order to apply, you need to create an account with ACASC.
Physiology is the scientific study of normal mechanisms, and their interactions, which work within a living system. A sub-discipline of biology, its focus is in how organisms, organ systems, organs, cells, and biomolecules carry out the chemical or physical functions that exist in a living system.Given the size of the field, it is divided into, among others, animal physiology (including that of humans), plant physiology, cellular physiology, microbial physiology (microbial metabolism), bacterial physiology, and viral physiology.